One of AICSA’s goals is to extend the reach of our communications to engage with not only our members but the broader sector, the government, the media and the public to communicate the value of arts and culture.

NAVA sector consultation
AICSA was very pleased to attend a round table discussion for the visual arts, craft and design sector in Adelaide facilitated by the National Association for the Visual Arts, (NAVA). Tamara Winnikoff, Executive Director of NAVA provided a national overview post federal election,

St Pauls
AICSA attended an arts sector consultation on a proposed ‘hub’ for the arts yesterday. The consultation was led by David Paterson, Cornerstone Strategy at the request of the project co-sponsors Sandy Verschoor (Adelaide City Council), Alex Reid (Arts SA), and Georgina Vasilevski (DPTI)

AICSA representatives met with State Liberal Leader Stephen Marshall, the Shadow Minister for the Arts and Isobel Redmond MP yesterday. The meeting focused on four main advocacy topics: $2 million increase in funding for small to medium sector; SA arts policy framework; Creative

Our AGM was held at the Art Gallery of South Australia yesterday and a big THANK YOU must go to Lisa Slade, Project Curator, who conducted a fabulous tour of the new display in the Melrose Wing. Thanks also to Rebecca and Nykilja

Proposed OzCo Act Amendments Welcomed by Arts Sector Representatives
ArtsPeak released the following media release last Friday 10 May re the Senate Inquiry recommendations for amendments. PROPOSED OZCO ACT AMENDMENTS WELCOMED BY ARTS SECTOR REPRESENTATIVES Members of ArtsPeak, the coalition of national peak arts organisations today welcomed the recommendations of the Senate

AICSA attended an ArtsPeak meeting where the focus was around what was missing from the Australia Council legislation and to identify key points for discussion with Australia Council for the Arts, Office for the Arts (OFTA), and the Deputy Secretary to the Arts