
AICSA works with its membership and sector to develop and deliver reports that support advocacy and growth in the arts and cultural sector.

cultural safety

WORKSHOP // Understanding Cultural Safety

Workshop resources The Arts Industry Council of South Australia (AICSA) recently conducted research into workplace health and safety in the SA arts sector.  The results of this survey highlighted that Cultural Safety is an area that needs further development within the sector. Our expert

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art sector

WORKSHOP // Addressing Mental Health in the Arts

Workshop resources The Arts Industry Council of South Australia (AICSA) recently conducted research into workplace health and safety in the SA arts sector. The results of this survey highlighted the poor mental health of artists and arts workers and the extent that this

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Funding the Foundation to Thrive

Funding the Foundation to Thrive by Louise Flaherty Last year, AICSA commissioned artists to produce work inspired by our five key advocacy messages.  We asked Louise Flaherty to create a piece inspired by the message: Funding the foundation to thrive.Individual practising artists and small-to-medium arts organisations

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Alex Kelly

WEBINAR // Sustainability & Responsible Arts Sponsorship

Presented by the Arts Industry Council of South Australia, Alex Kelly and Jennifer Mills Across the country, cultural organisations such as Darwin and Perth Festivals are ending their relationships with fossil fuel companies after sustained pressure from artists and advocates. With climate disruption

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arts governance

SEMINAR // Rethinking Arts Governance

AICSA hosted a day of discussion on the art of arts governance with SA’s own governance rabble-rouser Kate Larsen on Thursday 20 October 2022. These sessions are helpful for board members, arts leaders and workers, artists and anyone else with an interest in arts governance. 

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Election Resources

With the next South Australian election on 19 March 2022 and a Federal election looming in the coming months, the Arts Industry Council of South Australia (AICSA) has outlined the five key messages that will be the focus of its advocacy. The five

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