August advocacy update

L-R: Event facilitator, Dr Gemma Beale, AICSA Co-Chair Emma Webb OAM, SACOSS CEO Ross Womersley, Kuma Kaaru’s Cliffy Wilson, The Hon Peter Malinauskas MP, Premier of South Australia, SA Unions Secretary Dale Beasley and Conservation Council SA CEO Kirsty Bevan. Civil Society Roundtable lunch with The Honourable Peter Malinauskas MP, Premier of South Australia AICSA […]

July Workshop Series

AICSA are delighted to launch our free July workshop series.   We recently conducted research into workplace health and safety in the SA arts sector, and the results highlighted areas that need additional support within the sector.  These sessions are designed as a conversation starter to delve into these topics and make suggestions for change: July […]

Funding the Foundation to Thrive

Funding the Foundation to Thrive by Louise Flaherty Last year, AICSA commissioned artists to produce work inspired by our five key advocacy messages.  We asked Louise Flaherty to create a piece inspired by the message: Funding the foundation to thrive. Individual practising artists and small-to-medium arts organisations form the foundation of the arts sector and […]

WATCH // National Cultural Policy: SA Edition Webinar

On 30 January 2023, the Australian Government published the National Cultural Policy, Revive: a place for every story, a story for every place. Revive is a five-year plan to renew and revive Australia’s arts, entertainment and cultural sector. After a few weeks to digest the new tone and direction that the plan sets out, what will Revive mean for South […]

WATCH // Bad, Better and Beyond Best Practice: Rethinking Arts Governance

VIDEOS ONLINE NOW Thank you to those who attended our recent seminar, Bad, Better and Beyond Best Practice: Rethinking Arts Governance.  If you missed it, or would like a refresher, the videos are available now! Bad, Better and Beyond Best Practice: Rethinking Arts Governance 4 Videos Rethinking Arts Governance: Session 1 Bad News Boards 7:59 […]

SEMINAR // Bad, Better and Beyond Best Practice: Rethinking Arts Governance

AICSA will host a day of discussion on the art of arts governance with SA’s own governance rabble-rouser Kate Larsen on Thursday 20 October 2022. Board members, arts leaders and workers, artists and anyone else with an interest in arts governance are welcome to attend any of the following sessions for $20 each (or $40 for the […]

State Election Arts and Culture Policies

State election arts and culture policies Heading into the state election this Saturday 19 March, Arts Industry Council of South Australia urges voters to consider arts and culture when voting, both in lower house seats of the South Australian Parliament and in the Legislative Assembly (upper house). Last week AICSA held two arts and culture […]