One of AICSA’s goals is to extend the reach of our communications to engage with not only our members but the broader sector, the government, the media and the public to communicate the value of arts and culture.

ATSIAB: extends consultation with the Indigenous arts sector
ATSIAB: extends consultation with the Indigenous arts sector about proposed changes to the Indigenous key organisations funding program to September 2008 Thanks to all who helped lobby and get the word out. more info here.

ATSIAB: imminent changes to Key Organisations grant program
In a letter dated February 22nd 2008 the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Board of the Australia Council informed its clients of imminent changes to Key Organisations grant program. As a result ATSIAB key organisations funding will operate across three sub categories: Key Organisation

Peter Garretts YOUR SHOUT forum
5.00pm sharp, Thursday 18 October The Auditorium, Art Gallery of SA enter via the fish gates ’round the back FREE ADMISSION In October 2007, prior to the federal election, we launched a series of forums. This series began with YOUR SHOUT, a public

Occupational Health and Safety
Responsible Officer Training Obligations Under the Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1986, each body corporate carrying on a business in South Australia is required to appoint one or more responsible officers. Responsible officers are required to attend a course of training recognised

Federal Labor Arts Policy Discussion Paper
This discussion paper is the second stage of the review and development of Labor’s arts policy and follows the call for submissions made by Labor’s spokesman for the Arts, Peter Garrett. Please provide any comments by August 25 to, or c/- PO

Moral Rights Legislation
In Australia, moral rights legislation was passed by federal parliament and came into force early in 2001. They give creators of copyright works the right to be attributed as author of their works and the right to protect the integrity of their works.