One of AICSA’s goals is to extend the reach of our communications to engage with not only our members but the broader sector, the government, the media and the public to communicate the value of arts and culture.

Meeting with Arts SA
On Thursday 24 September 2009 Carolyn Ramsey (Chair), Phil Callaghan (Deputy Chair), Daniel Clarke (Executive Committee Member) and Torben Brookman (Executive Officer) from AICSA met with Alex Reid (Acting Director), Helen Richardson and Alex Hurford from Arts SA to provide an update to

ATSIAB: Making Solid Ground review
The Australia Council is seeking input from people and organisations to the Making Solid Ground review of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Board’s key organisations infrastructure funding program. You can do this by attending one of the forums that will be held around the country,

YOUR SHOUT follow up?
AICSA and CAN SA are actively encouraging a follow up to the YOUR SHOUT forum that was held last year. We would like to run an event where Peter Garrett has the opportunity to listen to the SA arts community discuss key issues

Forum #2: understanding the arts budget
Greg Mackie: interviewed by Anthony Steel 4.30-6pm Thursday 3 July Mercury Cinema, MRC 13 Morphett Street You’ve seen the media releases, you’ve heard the goss… now feel the nitty gritty as Greg Mackie, Executive Director, Arts SA is interviewed by Anthony Steel, recipient

Arts Policy
There has been much discussion around the AICSA committee table regarding state and national arts policy. Does the arts industry want and need an arts policy, what will it mean for the arts, and what makes a good one? A few policies have

Forum #1: The Idea of Festivals
forum #1: The Idea of Festivals 4.30-6pm Thursday 3 April Mercury Cinema, MRC 13 Morphett Street Christie Anthoney, Director, Adelaide Fringe Conny Wilson, General Manager, SALA Festival Daniel Clarke, Artistic Director, Feast Festival Douglas Gautier, CEO & Artistic Director, Adelaide Festival Centre Dr Robert Phiddian, Chair, 2009 Adelaide