One of AICSA’s goals is to extend the reach of our communications to engage with not only our members but the broader sector, the government, the media and the public to communicate the value of arts and culture.

Notes from #FreeTheArts Adelaide Meeting
Summary notes are now available for the #FreeTheArts Adelaide Meeting. Download here. — #FreeTheArts Adelaide Meeting Thursday 17 September 2015, 6-8pm Adelaide Festival Centre Organised by: Arts Industry Council of SA and #FreeTheArts Adelaide members Facilitator: Anne Dunn What’s happening in #FreeTheArts

Media Release: Over 100 attend #FreeTheArts Adelaide Meeting
Download the media release here — MEDIA RELEASE For immediate release: Friday, 18 September 2015 Last night’s #FreeTheArts Adelaide meeting gathered over 100 of SA’s Arts Community members Over 100 arts industry representatives attended the #FreeTheArts movement meeting organised by the Arts Industry

Media Release: AICSA welcomes Senate Inquiry in Adelaide
Download the media release here. —– MEDIA RELEASE For immediate release: Wednesday, 16 September 2015 South Australia’s Arts Community respond to changes to Federal Arts Funding at Senate Inquiry Public Hearing Following a number of submissions from the South Australian Arts community to

#FreeTheArts Adelaide Meeting
You’re invited to join in an Adelaide meeting of the #FreeTheArts movement on Thursday 17 September at the Adelaide Festival Centre. Find out how you can support the campaign over the coming months, plus share your thoughts in the lead up to Adelaide’s senate

ArtsPeak (the confederation of national peak arts organisations) has been successful in its call for aSenate Inquiry into the last two federal arts budgets. AICSA is holding public meetings to support artists, arts workers and audiences with making submissions to the Senate Inquiry on arts budgets. All

ArtsPeak (the confederation of national peak arts organisations) has been successful in its call for a Senate Inquiry into the last two federal arts budgets. ArtsPeak member, the National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA), has created a useful toolkit with details on how to make a submission, examples