

The Arts Industry Council SA (AICSA) is a non-government not-for-profit acting as an independent voice for the arts in SA.  Run by a volunteer Executive Committee and part-time General Manager, AICSA acts on behalf of our members to advocate for a strong future for South Australian artists, arts workers and arts organisations.

As the state’s independent, sector-wide representative arts body, AICSA is extremely valuable to the South Australian arts sector. AICSA was constituted as an incorporated institution in 1991. The Council receives no ongoing operational funding from the government, and derives its support from the industry through member subscriptions, fundraising, sponsorship, in-kind donations and occasional government project-specific funding.

Our members include over 150 of the state’s arts and cultural organisations, individual arts workers and independent artists. AICSA is able to continue our work solely through the ongoing support of this community and its collective commitment to maintaining our member subscriptions.

We imagine a future in which South Australian artists, cultural workers and organisations are viable, visible and valued – empowered, connected and able to share South Australian stories and creative practice with each other, audiences and the world.

To achieve this vision, we:

  • Connect our members, community and cross-sector allies.
  • Communicate, listen and learn, and speak on their behalf.
  • Advocate and empower the sector to advocate for

Our values

  • Art first: We advocate for the value of art, culture and creativity as an essential public service that is central to South Australia life and wellbeing.
  • Whole of sector, whole of state: We represent and support more than our members. Our work improves conditions for everybody who works, participates in or enjoys South Australian arts and culture.
  • Champion: We take our role as a sector ally and champion seriously. As the state’s only independent, state-wide voice for all forms of art, culture and creativity, we are in a position to have brave or difficult conversation others cannot.
  • Amplifying effect: As a small organisation, we know we can’t do everything ourselves. Our work has an amplifying effect by connecting and empowering our members, community and cross-sector allies.

In 2025 AICSA is delighted to present this revised strategic direction, which has been prepared by AICSA together with Strategic Consultant, Kate Larsen. This new plan outlines a vision for AICSA and its priorities for the next three years.

Download AICSA Strategic Plan 2025-2028

The Arts Industry Council of South Australia (AICSA) is managed by an executive of up to thirteen people comprised of up to TEN elected and THREE co-opted financial members. The Executive Committee members volunteer their time to carry out AICSA’s work and are supported by a part-time (0.4FTE) General Manager.

At the Annual General Meeting held on 16 May 2024,  there were ten nominations received for the Executive Committee with eight vacant spaces. AICSA is very pleased to welcome Dr Tully Barnett, Nick Hays, Julian Hobba, Pepper Mickan, Caitlin Ellen Moore and Satu Teppo as a new Executive Committee members and Jo O’Callaghan and Emma Webb OAM were returned for a further two year term.

AICSA also said farewell to outgoing committee members Jessica Alice, Becci Love, Eleanor Scicchitano and Dr Sam Whiting, with Sarah Brady also resigning at the June Committee meeting. AICSA thanks them for their extraordinary work with AICSA and their many achievements and we wish them well in all of their future endeavours.

After the 2024 AGM, the Committee Co-Opted Rebecca Young (CEO, Access2Arts) and Dre Ngatokorua (Journalist, Umeewarra Aboriginal Media Association)

AICSA Executive Committee 2024-2025


  • Emma Webb OAM
  • Jo O’Callaghan, Head of Programs and Development, Adelaide Fringe
  • Ruth Weldon
  • Julian Hobba, Executive Director, State Theatre Company SA


  • Dr Tully Barnett, Associate Professor, Flinders University
  • Nick Hays, Executive Director, ADT
  • Pepper Mickan
  • Dre Ngatokorua, Journalist, Umeewarra Aboriginal Media Association
  • Caitlin Ellen Moore
  • Satu Teppo
  • Rebecca Young, CEO, Access2Arts
  • Kim Roberts (AICSA General Manager & Public Officer, Co-CEO Nexus Arts)

Should you be interested in being part of the Executive Committee of the Arts Industry Council of South Australia, please contact our General Manager (info@aicsa.net.au) and include your current biography. The annual general meeting takes place each May and includes the election of the Executive Committee.

Former Committee Members

Sarah Brady, Producer

Becci Love, Producer

Eleanor Scicchitano, Independent Curator and Writer

Dr Sam Whiting, Lecturer – Creative Industries, UniSA Creative, University of South Australia

Jessica Alice, Director, Writers SA

Justyna Jochym, CEO of Festivals Adelaide

Vincent Ciccarello, Head of Philanthropy and Enterprise, Art Gallery of South Australia

Kristen Eckhardt, Director of Marketing, Sales and Audience Engagement, Adelaide Festival Centre

Nescha Jelk, Co-Executive Director of RUMPUS Theatre

Jane Andrew, Principal Advisor, Public Art and Design

Craige Andrae, Artist

Christie Anthoney, Executive Officer, Festivals Adelaide

Geordie Brookman, Artistic Director, State Theatre Company

Rob Brookman, Theatre Director and advocate

Phil Callaghan, Director, Ausdance SA

Amber Cronin, Cross-disciplinary artist

Chris Drummond, Artistic Director, Brink Productions

Alison Dunn, CEO, Helpmann Academy

Louise Dunn, Director, Nexus Multicultural Arts

Angela Flynn, Director, Kukuni Arts

Jim Giles, Inaugural AICSA Chair

Jodi Glass, General Manager, Adelaide Fringe

David Grice, Managing Director, Musitec

Penny Griggs, Director, Central School of Art

Liz Hawkins, Director of Programming & Development, Adelaide Festival Centre

Gail Kovatseff, Programs, Audience and Industry Development Manager, Adelaide Film Festival

Anne Levy, Former Minister for the Arts

Greg Mackie, CEO, History Trust of South Australia

Ross McHenry, independent musician, composer and producer

Teena Munn, Producer and General Manager

Dearna Newchurch, Producer

Brigid Noone, Director, Fontanelle Gallery

Liz Nowell, CEO, ACE Open

Andy Packer, Artistic Director, Slingsby

Nadia Parker, Event Programmer Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium

Lisa Philip-Harbutt, Director, Community Arts Network SA

Carolyn Ramsay, AICSA Chair (2008-2010)

Brad Rush, Head of Industry and Artist Fund, Adelaide Fringe

Michelle Ryan, Artistic Director, Restless Dance Theatre

David Sefton, Artistic Director

Gabriella Smart, Musician and Artistic Director, Soundstream

Sandy Verschoor, Arts Producer, Festival of Ideas

Tricia Walton, Director Arts Programs, Country Arts SA

Barbara Wiesner, Director, SA Writer’s Centre

The Arts Industry Council of South Australia (AICSA) Annual General Meeting is held in May. The Finance Report is presented to the membership along with the Annual Report. Nominations and elections for the Executive Committee are also held at the AGM.

Executive Committee Nominations

Financial members are eligible to nominate for the AICSA Executive Committee and must be nominated by two financial members. Please contact AICSA on info@aicsa.net.au if you are considering nominating for the Executive Committee.

For voting rights at the AGM, please become a financial member of AICSA or ensure that your AICSA membership is up to date. For any membership queries please contact AICSA General Manager at info@aicsa.net.au

AICSA is delighted to present their 2023 Annual Report.

Download Annual Report 2023

Our previous annual report can be found below:

Annual Report 2022

Digital and web partner

Arts South Australia Recovery Grant
Redevelopment of this website was possible with assistance from Arts South Australia’s Arts Recovery Fund.

Arts South Australia 
2024 salaries and networking events were possible with assistance from Arts South Australia.
