Chair Phil Callaghan delivered the AICSA Annual Report for 2013 at the recent AGM on 28 May 2014.
During 2013 the main focus of the organisation was the completion of the Creative Futures Report, a project facilitated by the Arts Industry Council of South Australia (AICSA) and Service Skills SA (SSSA) with funding provided by the Industry Skills Development Directorate of the Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (DFEEST), Innovation and Business Skills Australia (IBSA) and Service Skills SA (SSSA).
Other highlights included making a State Budget submission requesting investment into the small to medium arts sector, and development of arts venues; hosting a tour of small to medium arts organisations for Stephen Marshall MP, Shadow Minister for the Arts, Isobelle Redmond MP and Liberal Arts Advisor, Tory Brown in November; and attendance at the ArtsPeak meeting to focus in on priority issues and strategies in the lead up to the Federal Election.
The AICSA continues to express the views of its members to the government, arts funding agencies and political parties, through a variety of means such as fora, newsletters, submissions, reports, representations and consultations.
Click to read the AICSA_Annual_Report_2013.