The Creative Futures Report was produced as an outcome of a project facilitated by the Arts Industry Council of South Australia (AICSA) and Service Skills SA (SSSA) with funding provided by the Industry Skills Development Directorate of the Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (DFEEST), Innovation and Business Skills Australia (IBSA) and SSSA.
With a focus on vocational education and training in South Australia the project aimed to effectively capture the essential skilling and workforce needs of the Arts, Creative and Cultural Industries to enable better decision making by industry and the South Australian government who make a considerable investment in the arts.
The major mechanism used to capture this data was the Creative Futures survey undertaken in September and October 2012 that engaged 886 respondents including large organisations (more than 10 Employees), small to medium businesses (less than 10 employees) and individuals. It also incorporates customised 2011 ABS Census Data, the DFEEST Workforce Wizard information and Innovation & Business Skills Australia (IBSA) training statistics. This statistical data has been used to reinforce the validity of the industry snapshot, the survey outcomes and the project findings and recommendations.
The Creative Futures Report was released in 2013.
Executive Summary (PDF 721kb)
Creative Futures Report (PDF 76kb)
Appendix A Sector Key Messages (PDF 701kb)
Appendix B Survey Analysis (PDF 844kb)