One of AICSA’s goals is to extend the reach of our communications to engage with not only our members but the broader sector, the government, the media and the public to communicate the value of arts and culture.

New Executive Committee Member Appointments
The Arts Industry Council is delighted to announce the election of Craig Harrison, Gordon Andersen and Alison Dunn to the Executive Committee of the Arts Industry Council. Craig, Gordon and Alison each bring a unique set of skills and experience to the Executive

Union Hall Submission
The Arts Industry Council made a formal submission to the State Heritage Council to encourage the permanent listing of Union Hall on the State Heritage Register. To read out submission please click here.

Union Hall Submission
The Arts Industry Council made a formal submission to the State Heritage Council to encourage the permanent listing of Union Hall on the State Heritage Register. To read out submission please click here.

Pre-Election State Arts Platform Forum
On 12 November 2009, the Arts Industry Council conducted a forum at the Mercury Cinema featuring Minister John Hill, Minister for Health, Minister for the Southern Suburbs, Minister Assisting the Premier in the Arts and Ms. Isobel Redmond, Leader of the Opposition to

National Cultural Policy
The Arts Industry Council made a formal submission to the National Cultural Policy web forum being run by Minister Peter Garrett to facilitate the development of a national cultural policy. Click here to read the submission.

Meeting with Arts SA
On Friday 30 April 2010, Carolyn Ramsey (Chair), Craig Harrison, Annemarie Kohn and Torben Brookman from AIC met with Alex Reid and Jennifer Layther from Arts SA. We had an active an interesting discussion regarding the activies of both Arts SA and AIC