On 30 January 2023, the Australian Government published the National Cultural Policy, Revive: a place for every story, a story for every place. Revive is a five-year plan to renew and revive Australia’s arts, entertainment and cultural sector.
After a few weeks to digest the new tone and direction that the plan sets out, what will Revive mean for South Australia and its arts and creative sectors? What opportunities does it present? What questions still need answers?
Join us for an online discussion that will dig into these questions and more.
Date: Monday, February 20th
Time: 11:30 – 12:30 ACDT
Panel guests to include:
- Tully Barnett, Associate Professor in Creative Industries in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, Flinders University
- Becc Bates, Director Creative Industries, Department for Industry, Innovation & Science
- Alysha Herrmann, Writer, Performance Maker, Community Organiser, Creative Producer, Youth Worker, member of the National Cultural Policy Expert Advisory Group
- Jimblah, film maker, musician, photographer, creative, BLKMPIRE
- Kate Larsen, Arts, Cultural, and Non-Profit Consultant
- Jennifer Layther, Director Arts Organisations, Programs and Initiatives, Arts South Australia, Department of Premier and Cabinet
Organisers: Arts Industry Council South Australia and Festival City Adelaide
If you missed the session, you can now watch the recording via YouTube: