Rally Against Arts Funding Cuts, 19 April 2016

Rally Against Arts Funding Cuts Culture Counts! SA’s arts organisations and artists are facing the prospect of significantly reduced state government funding, putting our cultural industry at risk. Many local companies are under threat of closure and jobs will be lost without sustainable funding, affecting our state’s reputation as an arts capital. The proposed state […]

ArtsPeak (the confederation of national peak arts organisations) has been successful in its call for aSenate Inquiry into the last two federal arts budgets. AICSA is holding public meetings to support artists, arts workers and audiences with making submissions to the Senate Inquiry on arts budgets. All welcome. Wed 1 July 3-5pm Odeon Theatre Cnr Queen Street & The […]

ArtsPeak (the confederation of national peak arts organisations) has been successful in its call for a Senate Inquiry into the last two federal arts budgets. ArtsPeak member, the National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA), has created a useful toolkit with details on how to make a submission, examples of submissions and contact information. Everyone is invited to make a submission […]

AICSA is working to create a short video that will celebrate the creative output of the small to medium and independent artists of South Australia. We plan to use this video as part of our submission to the Senate Inquiry and to distribute it via social media to encourage South Australian audiences to make a personal […]
ArtsPeak Calls For Senate Inquiry

ArtsPeak, the confederation of national peak arts organisations, has released a statement calling for a senate inquiry into the Federal Budget 2015-16 arts funding changes. Arts Industry Council of SA has signed this statement, following our general meeting to discuss responses to these funding changes. Download the ArtsPeak media release (PDF) or view the full statement […]
General Meeting – Federal Budget arts funding changes

Immediately after the AGM, a general meeting will be held to discuss AICSA’s response to the Federal Budget arts funding changes, following on from the Supporting the Creative Ecology of SA gathering at Parliament House on Friday 22 May. Discussions will include arts funding recommendations at federal and state levels, and suggested priorities for Australia Council’s new […]
Supporting the Creative Ecology in SA

Supporting the Creative Ecology in SA The Arts Industry Council of South Australia (AICSA) invites all interested parties to gather with us on the steps of Parliament House at 1pm on Friday 22 May 2015. This gathering will celebrate the integral role that small to medium arts organisations and independent artists play in the vitality of Australia’s […]
AICSA’s response to Federal Budget 2015-16

The Arts Industry Council of SA has written to Senator Brandis, to express concerns in changes to arts funding in the 2015-16 Federal Budgets announcement. Click to view the letter or read below: —- Friday 15 May 2015 Dear Senator, We write to you following the 2015-16 Federal Budgets announcements. We congratulate you on a successful negotiation […]
Arts on the agenda for the Davenport by-election

Dear AICSA members, As we continue to compile and collate all the ideas, suggestions and provocations that have arisen from the 40 Year Vision for the Arts Forum, one of the most consistent statements to emerge has been the need for the arts industry to have greater political influence. In the days immediately following the […]
Davenport by-election: Write to your candidates

The by-election for the district of Davenport will take place on Saturday 31 January 2015. More information can be found here. The Arts Industry Council of South Australia is currently asking arts lovers in the Davenport electorate to write to candidates, asking them what their vision is for the arts and culture in South Australia. Please […]